My Dagit graph is very slow to load what assets ar...
# ask-community
My Dagit graph is very slow to load what assets are stale and which are not - is this I could improve by moving the "database" to PostgreSQL or something else? I think I'm on the default local sqlite db
hi @Mycchaka Kleinbort! how large of an asset graph are you working with? and what version of dagster are you on? do you have any `FreshnessPolicy`s defined? It's definitely possible that moving to Postgres would result in some mild performance gains but ideally you wouldn't be hitting this slowness in the first place in most situations.
Hi @owen - I'm on "only" 200 assets. I have the occasional policy but it's not a complex dag. Also, for context, I'm talking ~30 seconds of loading time.
Slow, but definitely bearable - just an annoyance when working quickly
Ps. I'm on 1.3.1
gotcha -- thanks for the info! it's definitely surprising that this is taking that long based on that. Would you mind filing a github issue with those details?