Hi all! In my code I am currently specifying resou...
# ask-community
Hi all! In my code I am currently specifying resources (e.g Snowflake connection) through op
parameter. Have you found any code snippet for replacing the resource specification with the new Pydantic classes? If config is also passed to the op then how I pass the resources (one or more) to this function? Please note that I watched the community call from 11th of April presenting the new resource definitions: https://peterfulop.d.pr/i/IHW9IA From this video is not clear how should I pass multiple resource or a Snowflake resource created by
Any suggestion is much appreciated.
hi @Peter Fulop! there's a full migration guide here: https://docs.dagster.io/guides/dagster/migrating-to-pythonic-resources-and-config#step-3-using-the-resource-in-assets -- let us know if that covers what you're looking for