Hi all. I followed <this guide> to setup slack not...
# dagster-plus
Hi all. I followed this guide to setup slack notifications on job errors. However, I’m not receiving any. I’m not using tags. My configuration is shown in the screenshot, as well as my channel name on slack, which is spelled correctly. Originally I had a private channel for the alerts. Since the Dagster UI always shows the
symbol, I assumed that may require a public channel. We renamed and archived our channel and recreated one that is public using the same name, and yet we are still not receiving alerts. I then changed the notification from slack to email, in which case we are correctly getting the alerts to email. This tells me that there’s no issue on the environment/code/setup side--the only difference is the slack/email service. Any thoughts here or clues in a log file on your side? Can it possibly be due to originally having a private channel? Thanks for any heads-up.
• Have you invited the
Dagster Cloud
bot into your channel? • If you check the Dagster event logs in the run that you expected to send an alert, there could be a hint there. Mind sending an URL for the run?
Ah, no on #1. I’ll try that now.
Perfect, works now. Thanks again. Quick question. Should this also work with private channels?
yup, just make sure to invite the bot into the channel. otherwise we can’t post a message because of permissions. you’ll see an error in the event logs if this happens
Great, thanks again Rex. Cheers!