How are Dagster-Cloud folks managing their costs w...
# integration-airbyte
How are Dagster-Cloud folks managing their costs with long Airbyte syncs? We have a daily ~90 minute sync that makes up the bulk of our cloud
compute minute
costs, but my understanding is that the Dagster job is essentially just monitoring the output of Airbyte logs. Is there way to minimize this to avoid 'double dipping' on compute costs? Is the solution just to schedule those long running jobs natively in Airbyte and declaring them as source assets in Dagster?
hey joel, FYI, i think our pricing model is going to change for standard from a duration model to a credits based model. if you’re on hybrid, you wouldn’t have any duration based component anymore. if you’re on serverless, we’d have a small pass through cost for machine time on Serverless.
ahh great to hear. We're mostly using Dagster to orchestrate between other services, so that will be a big benefit for us. Are there any official comms on this I can forward on, or still a WIP?
nothing official yet, I expect the changes will be forthcoming in about 6 weeks.
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