Does the newest dagster cloud github action only s...
# dagster-plus
Does the newest dagster cloud github action only support python3.8? I'm getting
Copy code
/usr/bin/env: 'python3.8': No such file or directory
Error: Process completed with exit code 127.
on basically any of the dagster actions in the hybrid deployments workflow
Hi Zach, the github action requires python 3.8 which should be included in
runners:[…]0fba852f5cb2777343a4/.github/workflows/dagster-cloud-deploy.yml Are you using a different
It can deploy any python version but the action itself runs using 3.8.
Got it, I had been using the setup-python action to set to 3.9 for building and running tests, but I can separate those steps into a different job and run 3.8 for the dagster action. Thanks!