Hello, I’m facing an issue related to freshness po...
# ask-community
Hello, I’m facing an issue related to freshness policies for historical assets. - asset_1 hasn’t been updated since April 28th, and its data version is XYZ123 - asset_2, which uses a lazy policy, is expected to update whenever asset_1 changes - The system tags show that asset_2 has the same input data version (XYZ123) as asset_1 - Yet, asset_2 indicates new changes in upstream data despite being materialized after asset_1 Could someone help me understand why this is happening? Thank you!
Not positive what’s up, but to clarify:
asset_2, which uses a lazy policy, is expected to update whenever asset_1 changes
This isn’t quite what I’d expect for lazy auto materialize policies-
would materialize as soon as the upstream changes. Lazy will wait until the freshness policy is overdue. What is your FreshnessPolicy set to?
Yet, asset_2 indicates new changes in upstream data despite being materialized after asset_1
This sounds like a bug, is there any other info you could share to help reproduce?
Hey @johann, thanks for looking into this. Sorry, you’re right, my freshness policy was set to
. Here’s how it’s defined in that dbt model…
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        dagster_freshness_policy = {"maximum_lag_minutes": 24*60},
        dagster_auto_materialize_policy = {"type": "eager"},
In Dagit, this is how the policies are interpreted…
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This asset is automatically re-materialized when at least one of the following are true:
- it is missing
- it has a freshness policy that requires more up-to-date data
- any of its descendants have a freshness policy that require more up-to-date data
- any of its parent assets / partitions have newer data

and none of the following are true:
- any of its parent assets / partitions are missing
- any of its ancestor assets / partitions have ancestors of their own with newer data
Happy to share more info if needed.
Could you share an image of the incorrect upstream newer label? Can dm if the asset names are sensitive
This is the lineage I have between asset_1 (protest_groupings) and asset_2 (stg…protest_groupings). As you can see, the first asset is an “empty” asset, as this is a dbt source pointing to Airbyte. I used to refresh its content in Dagster through a resource, but dropped it since that source table doesn’t update anymore. As you can see in the second image, the last time it materialized was April 28.
And when I look at the system tags for the
asset, I have the same data version…
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input_data_version/airbyte/protest_groupings	40a75b5a24fd5bb9f908788374195d28c6f8aecefdb9d13e153439c00845ecb8