I'm seeing pretty extreme task startup times. On `...
# ask-community
I'm seeing pretty extreme task startup times. On
dagster dev
-- it's about 90s per task and with an ECSRunLauncher on prod about 75s. Is there anything I can do to speed these up? Especially on local, I'm running on a fairly beefy machine.
task startup with the default multiprocess executor can be slow due to heavy imports which can be profiled with: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34755728/profile-python-import-times or other code running at init time used to load definitions. This can be revealed using a profiler like: https://github.com/benfred/py-spy these imports/init costs can be mitigated for subsequent tasks using “forkserver” config for how the multi process executor starts its subprocesses https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/7338