I am seeing this error when `ENABLE_FAST_DEPLOYS` ...
# dagster-plus
I am seeing this error when
is set to true for branch deploys:
Still waiting for agent to sync changes to flow. This can take a few minutes.
Error: Some locations failed to load after being synced by the agent:
Error loading flow: {'__typename': 'PythonError', 'message': 'dagster_cloud.workspace.ecs.client.EcsServiceError: ECS service failed because task arnawsecsus west 2657821118200:task/serverless-agent-cdf6a926-332f-36e1-a6a1-252dad205bb6-Cluster/80141bb7a9f1433f9b7819b64b9b28a6 failed: InternalError: failed to create container model: failed to normalize image reference "657821118200.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/serverless-agent-cdf6a926-332f-36e1-a6a1-252dad205bb6:sha256:afddb451e5a7ca1c4b199c4c4324fbf482d24330153cc2dee63341a42b3ad4ae". Launch a new task to retry.\n\nNo task logs.\n', 'stack': [' File "/dagster-cloud/dagster_cloud/workspace/user_code_launcher/user_code_launcher.py", line 1259, in _reconcile\n self._wait_for_new_multipex_server(\n', ' File "/dagster-cloud/dagster_cloud/workspace/ecs/launcher.py", line 406, in _wait_for_new_multipex_server\n task_arn = self.client.wait_for_new_service(\n', ' File "/dagster-cloud/dagster_cloud/workspace/ecs/client.py", line 441, in wait_for_new_service\n return self.check_service_has_running_task(\n', ' File "/dagster-cloud/dagster_cloud/workspace/ecs/client.py", line 557, in check_service_has_running_task\n self._raise_failed_task(task, container_name, logger)\n', ' File "/dagster-cloud/dagster_cloud/workspace/ecs/client.py", line 476, in _raise_failed_task\n raise EcsServiceError(\n']}
My deploy is successful when I disable fast deploys. I am using the GH action and have the
set to an image tag that exists. Any ideas on how to fix this?
🤖 1
I got this sorted!