Hello! Is it possible to configure Dagster where a...
# integration-dbt
Hello! Is it possible to configure Dagster where any attempt to materialize a dbt asset that is already in the process of being materialized is ignored/discarded?
👍 1
same concern. right now I think the run just fails (because dbt creates some
relation in the other run) and gets re-executed later. But I hope Dagster would be able to skip the materialization to save compute. This is especially important when multiple auto-materialize runs could trigger same subset of assets
Yeah we are just in the design faze but it would be super helpful for us. We at times have a model run twice at the same time and not only is that more cost but it can create incorrect data with a custom dbt materialization we have.
Hi Paul. This is not currently possible, but we have discussed similar functionalities (i.e. skipping materializations when the upstream input and the code has not changed). I'd recommend filing an issue
I will file an issue!