This does not work for jobs that already have a co...
# ask-community
This does not work for jobs that already have a configuration input on OPs, you'll get the following error: Error 1: Missing required config entry "ops" at the root. Sample config for missing entry:
can you explain what you mean in a little more detail by "already have a configuration input on OPs"?
Suppose you have a op like this:
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def my_op(context, config: MyClassConfig):
This op will require from you to define in somewhere:
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  "ops": {
      "my_op": {
            "config": {
                "date": '2023-01-01'
Something like this, and the point is, that if you have this config in your OP, you can't define the configuration to limit concurrency of OPs, because it'll require that you also configure this other thing that is supposed to be configured by schedule, sensor or partition definition
ahh I see. I think you can address that with this:
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@job(executor_def=multiprocess_executor.configured({"max_concurrent": 4, ...}))
def tag_concurrency_job():
❤️ 1