How to make sure that if a number of latest time p...
# ask-community
How to make sure that if a number of latest time partitioned asset partitions are missing, all of it are triggered for materialization? Currently if I understand correctly only the latest is triggered, if auto materialization is used. Any other approaches that would guarantee no missing non-materialized partitions?
Hey - just wrote up a discussion because this is a common question:
Thanks Sandy, will test it. Would it be possible to trigger auto materialization for multiple partitions as a backfill? I.e. single run with a partition time window that spans over multiple partinions?
this isn't currently possible, but we'd like to enable it eventually. if you'd be up for filing a github issue, it would help us track the request
@sandy are you sure that the answer is correct? The name of the variable suggests that it controls the number of runs per minute, i.e. after minute ends, it should again be able to trigger a run. The reason I am asking is because I am trying to get it working but so far it only runs the latest partition.
I tried different cases and none worked 😞 I am using graph_asset, maybe this is only working for normal assets?
single run with a partition time window that spans over multiple partinions?
is the part that isn't possible within auto-materialize auto-materialize can kick off separate per-partition runs for multiple partitions in each tick, if you set
to something other than
. note that this is only possible in the last few versions of Dagster.
I see, i was using 1.3.13. Now it seems to work (1.4.3).
Can I control the number of partition runs launched and make sure no missing runs at the same time? I.e. I want all missed runs to be launched, but not at the same minute.
that currently isn't possible, but sounds like a reasonable request. would you mind filing a github issue for us to track this with?
👍 1