Hi is there any option to make dagster graph synch...
# ask-community
Hi is there any option to make dagster graph synchronous, like wait for complete one OP and than call other OP as per result of first OP, like in below graph i want to wait for return_one() completed than start add_one(), right now all OPS runs at a same time with out dependencies
Copy code
from dagster import graph, op

def return_one(context) -> int:
    return 1

def add_one(context, number: int):
    return number + 1

def adder(context, a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

def inputs_and_outputs():
    value = return_one()
    a = add_one(value)
    b = add_one(value)
    adder(a, b)
dagster bot responded by community 1
You can use in-process execution if you just want them to execute one at a time. In your current example though I don't really understand how
could execute before
does as it's dependent on the output of
, which is how Dagster infers its dependencies.