Hi folks, I'm having trouble with `dagster asset w...
# ask-community
Hi folks, I'm having trouble with
dagster asset wipe
. I have an asset the refreshing of which depends on metadata from the previous run. It has special logic to handle the first time the asset is refreshed when presumably there shouldn't be any metadata from the previous run. I'm using
dagster asset wipe
, and I can see in the UI that the asset appears to have been wiped (no metatdata), but when I run the refresh, the run is still able to access metadata from the previous run (which was supposed to have been wiped). See code in 🧵
🤖 1
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def my_asset(context):
    instance = context.instance
    latest_materialization_event = instance.get_latest_materialization_event(AssetKey(["my_asset"]))

    if latest_materialization_event is None:
        print('this is the first materialization event')
        print('this is not the first materialization event')
Materialize the asset for the first time, we see
Copy code
this is the first materialization event
Run it again, we see
Copy code
this is not the first materialization event
then, run
Copy code
dagster asset wipe my_asset
we no events in the UI which seems to confirm that the events have been wiped. Refreshing the asset, we would expect to see "this is the first materialization event", but instead we get "this is not the first materialization event" I'm running locally using dagster 1.4.4, using filesystem for run storage
the “asset wipe” is currently a soft delete and it looks like
ignores the soft delete metadata would you be up for filing an issue?