Hey folks! My team is interested in triggering a D...
# random
Hey folks! My team is interested in triggering a Dagster pipeline run from Slack. Our plan right now is to build a Slack app from scratch that’ll connect to the graphql api. I was curious if anyone has done this before/if an integration already exists
🔥 1
following! been meaning to look into this too
We’ve got non-technical stakeholders that’d love to be able to freshen up their data without going through us. It’s a nice use case
Hi! this is a pretty common use case that people have with Dagster. The GraphQL API is the right move and will give you the most flexibility. Another option is to use some of the functions in the Python API, like
to kick off materializations of assets.
That’s our plan! Just to double-check, there isn’t an existing Dagster Slack App?
afaik it doesn't exist, but if you'd like to open-source your implementation, I'll gladly give it a boost and potentially get a blog post written on it, if you're interested.
We’d absolutely be interested in the idea. I’ll keep this thread updated with our progress
daggy love 1
@Vinnie ^
I actually wrote one of those and still have the code somewhere. I'll send it here in a bit.
Not super clean, but a starting point.
😍 2
blob clap 4
thanks so much for sharing @Vinnie!!
@Tim Castillo I’m happy to clean it up a bit more and do the blog post, things were a little crazy over the last few months with the new job and some (very positive, but still time consuming) changes in my personal life. Things are slowly settling and I have a little more headspace now :)
❤️ 1
heads down 1 1
Hey folks! Wanted to give an update from our end. We’ve elected to use AWS lambdas deployed through Serverless to underpin our slackbot and came up with a pretty simple lambda to trigger jobs. We haven’t fully tested and deployed the bot yet, but it should be fairly easy to trigger the lambda via a slash command: