hey all since the <docker ecs plugin> is being dep...
# deployment-ecs
hey all since the docker ecs plugin is being deprecated in November of this year, is there an official Dagster statement or guide on how to transition away from the soon-to-be-deprecated tool?
Hi Kyle - what i suspect we may do is transition to offering a Cloudformation template instead for deploying Dagster on ECS. You can create one today from an existing docker compose application using the
docker compose convert
command described here: https://docs.docker.com/cloud/ecs-integration/#run-a-compose-application
i see so the suggestion is to simply adapt to using cloudformation on its own instead of via the wrapper. this is unfortunate given how much more complicated the cloudformation syntax is. would love to see some kind of tooling to support the simple docker-compose DSL to the much more complicated cloudformation DSL. it sounds like the overall best option for developer experience is to move towards deploying via K8S/helm instead? or is there plans to support ECS further despite the lack of docker plugin support
do you have an example of the cloudformation template? i’m having some issues using
docker compose convert
on my build server for some reason
@daniel having a valid cloudformation template for the current dagster-ecs example would be very helpful. Would it be possible for you to run docker compose convert on the example docker-compose.yaml and commit it to the repo?
i was able to do this using
on github
🙏 1
Indeed, thanks! I also found https://github.com/compose-x/ecs_composex which seems actively maintained
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