Hey folks! My team runs Dagster on ECS and I’m loo...
# deployment-ecs
Hey folks! My team runs Dagster on ECS and I’m looking for some help integrating with the Dagster Graphql Client. I recently deployed an AWS lambda that uses the Python client to trigger a job run on the ECS service with the
method. This works locally, but hangs when deployed. I’m trying to suss out why this is the case
Sounds like a networking issue - have you checked to make sure that you have a security group on your Dagster ECS service that allows inbound from a security group placed on the Lambda? Are they in the same VPC?
This sounds really promising. The lambda is not part of the same VPC. I’ll give that a shot. Thank you!
That will definitely cause an issue
Unless you have VPC peering or something along those lines set up (I'm not very familiar with those more complex VPC setups)
Bingo. That was the issue. Very much appreciate the help
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No worries - I now look back with slight fondness at my memories of pulling my hair out debugging Lambda VPC connectivity issues
It's amazing what time will do to the past
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