Hi all, I am new to dagster. I am deploying dagste...
# ask-community
Hi all, I am new to dagster. I am deploying dagster OSS to K8s (specifically AKS) using helm chart ver 1.4.7. I want to run my own gRPC server by disabling subchart deployment using external configmaps to point to workspace.yaml file. I have come to a realization that I want to validate that it is correct: • If I have multiple pipelines (jobs) that focus on a given workload (for example ETL) , this code repo maps to 1 one dagster code definition location ,right? • Each code definition (code repo) maps to one instance (deployment) of gRPC server, correct?
Is it possible to have one deployment of gRPC server exposing multiple code definitions?
have you checked out the page about Definitions and Code Locations? https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/code-locations
Yep! I have. I wanted to validate my assumptions. One code definition -> One gRPC server?
I am wondering why there is a one to one relationship between a gRPC server and a user deployment (One code definition)? I am trying to understand the architectural design here
The way I thought it worked was deploy a replica set gRPC server, configure my user deployments on gRPC replica set as a configmap and mount my code definitions via an azure file share. That way every time I need to deploy a code change / add new code definitions. All I need to do is: • Update workspace.yaml configmap • Update gRPC list of code definitions