Is there any way to output a result from a job run...
# ask-community
Is there any way to output a result from a job run and show it on the Runs page in the UI? We have a file transfer job that forks out to 2 different op paths depending on whether the file validation op was successful or not. On the Runs page, all we see is Success so it's impossible to figure out what happened unless we click the RunID.
hey @Abhishek Agrawal - this isnt possible at the moment. Looking at the Runs page, there isn’t a column where user supplied information is displayed
Yes, this is more like a feature request. It would be great to have this.
ok - i doubt we will be able to display an output or result from a job in the UI since an output could be anything (imagine needing to display a several hundred row dataframe). But we could consider displaying metadata logged from a job in the runs page. Can you open a github feature request for this?
You know what, I was about to suggest to display metadata only! 🙂 Will do..