I'm using the S3PickleIOManager. Is it possible to...
# ask-ai
I'm using the S3PickleIOManager. Is it possible to control the name of the file?
Yes, it is possible to control the name of the file when using the
. The
assigns each op output to a unique filepath containing the run ID, step key, and output name. For assets, it assigns each asset to a single filesystem path, at
. If the asset key has multiple components, the final component is used as the name of the file, and the preceding components as parent directories under the base_dir. Here's an example from the documentation on how to use the `S3PickleIOManager`:
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python from dagster import asset, Definitions from dagster_aws.s3 import S3PickleIOManager, S3Resource  @asset def asset1():     # create df ...     return df  @asset def asset2(asset1):     return asset1[:5]  defs = Definitions(     assets=[asset1, asset2],     resources={         "io_manager": S3PickleIOManager(             s3_resource=S3Resource(),             s3_bucket="my-cool-bucket",             s3_prefix="my-cool-prefix",         )     } )
In this example, the
is configured with a specific S3 bucket and prefix. The assets
will be stored in the specified S3 bucket with the prefix
. If you need to customize the file path further, you might consider subclassing the
and overriding the methods responsible for generating the file paths. This approach is suggested in a discussion on GitHub where a user wanted to save files with specific metadata using the S3 IO Manager. The user was able to subclass and create a custom IO Manager that met their requirements. Keep in mind that the exact file path and name will depend on the implementation of the IO Manager and the asset key structure you define. If you need to customize the behavior beyond what is provided by default, creating a subclass and overriding the necessary methods would be the way to go.
@Scout I meant to control it on a more granular level what the files is supposed to be called. I want generate a filename containing the current date. so basically a new filename for each day
To generate a filename containing the current date for each output, you would typically need to customize the IOManager to include the logic for naming files based on the current date. However, the
does not provide a direct way to customize filenames with dynamic content such as the current date out of the box. One approach to achieve this is to create a custom IOManager that inherits from
or another suitable base class and override the
method to incorporate the current date into the filename. Here's a conceptual example of how you might implement such a custom IOManager:
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python from dagster_aws.s3.io_manager import S3PickleIOManager from datetime import datetime  class DailyS3PickleIOManager(S3PickleIOManager):     def _get_path(self, context):         # Generate the current date string         date_str = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")         # Construct the path with the current date         return f"{super()._get_path(context)}/{date_str}.pkl"  # Then, in your Dagster setup, you would use your custom IOManager: from dagster import resource  @resource def daily_s3_pickle_io_manager(init_context):     return DailyS3PickleIOManager(         s3_bucket=init_context.resource_config["s3_bucket"],         s3_prefix=init_context.resource_config["s3_prefix"],         s3_client=init_context.resources.s3,     )  # And in your pipeline definition, you would specify your custom IOManager: from dagster import pipeline  @pipeline(     mode_defs=[         ModeDefinition(             resource_defs={                 "io_manager": daily_s3_pickle_io_manager,                 "s3": s3_resource,             }         )     ] ) def my_pipeline():     # define your pipeline here
Please note that this is a conceptual example and may require adjustments to fit your specific use case. You would need to ensure that the
method constructs the S3 path according to your requirements, including the correct handling of the context to access the necessary metadata for path construction. Remember to test your custom IOManager thoroughly to ensure that it behaves as expected and that the generated file paths are correct.
@Scout are you sure that is correct. I think pipeline is depcrecated, furthermore I don't think S3PickleIOManager have function called getpath
You are correct that the
decorator is deprecated in favor of the
decorator in recent versions of Dagster, and I apologize for the oversight. Additionally, the
does not have a method called
. Instead, you would need to override the methods responsible for generating the file paths. To customize the file path with a date, you would need to subclass the
and implement the logic for path generation within the
methods. Here's a revised conceptual example using the
decorator and the
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python from dagster import io_manager, OutputContext, IOManager from dagster_aws.s3 import s3_resource from datetime import datetime  class DailyS3IOManager(IOManager):     def __init__(self, s3_bucket, s3_prefix, s3_client):         self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket         self.s3_prefix = s3_prefix         self.s3_client = s3_client      def handle_output(self, context: OutputContext, obj):         # Generate the current date string         date_str = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")         # Construct the S3 key with the current date         s3_key = f"{self.s3_prefix}/{context.asset_key.path[-1]}/{date_str}.pkl"         # Use the S3 client to upload the object to S3         # ...      def load_input(self, context):         # Logic to retrieve and return the data from S3         # ...  @io_manager def daily_s3_io_manager(init_context):     return DailyS3IOManager(         s3_bucket=init_context.resource_config["s3_bucket"],         s3_prefix=init_context.resource_config["s3_prefix"],         s3_client=init_context.resources.s3,     )  # And in your job definition, you would specify your custom IOManager: from dagster import job  @job(     resource_defs={         "io_manager": daily_s3_io_manager,         "s3": s3_resource,     } ) def my_job():     # define your job here
In this example,
is a custom IOManager that generates an S3 key that includes the current date when handling outputs. The
method is responsible for uploading the object to S3, and the
method would contain the logic to download the object from S3. Please ensure that you implement the S3 upload and download logic within the
methods, respectively. This example is a starting point and will need to be fleshed out with the actual logic for interacting with S3. Again, I apologize for any confusion, and thank you for pointing out the inaccuracies in the initial response.