<@U0667DNC02Y> how do I trigger `dagster dev` from...
# ask-ai
@Scout how do I trigger
dagster dev
from Python?
To trigger
dagster dev
from Python, you would typically use a command-line interface (CLI) invocation from within your Python script. However, the documentation does not provide a direct method or function to execute
dagster dev
from within a Python script. The
dagster dev
command is intended to be run from the terminal to start a local development environment for Dagster. If you need to run this command from a Python script, you could use Python's built-in
module, which allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. Here is a general example of how you might use
to call a shell command from Python:
Copy code
python import subprocess  # This is a general example and not from the documentation. # Replace 'my_file.py' with your actual Dagster Python file. subprocess.run(["dagster", "dev", "-f", "my_file.py"])
Please note that this is a general example of how to run shell commands from Python and not a specific feature or recommendation from the Dagster documentation. If you decide to use this approach, make sure to handle potential issues such as command execution failures, environment differences, and process management.