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# ask-ai
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Based on the documentation, there are a few updates and fixes related to the Launchpad and the display of configurations that might be relevant to your question: 1. The Launchpad tab provides a configuration editor to let you experiment with configuration and launch runs. However, it will only display if a job requires config. It displays by default for all op jobs. 2. There was an issue where the config for a run requested during a sensor test/evaluation was not available when clicking "configuration/open in launchpad," which means the launchpad opened with a default config instead of the one created by the sensor. 3. Another issue was reported where partitioned config didn't get populated in the launchpad, and instead, basic config was scaffolded. 4. There was also a discussion about empty resource config in the asset launchpad, where the configured config of a resource was not visible in the launchpad. These points suggest that there have been instances where the Launchpad did not display certain configurations as expected. If you are experiencing a similar issue where the Launchpad is not showing all current values set on the IO manager, it could be related to one of these known issues or limitations. If the documentation does not explicitly address your specific scenario, it might be a new issue or a limitation that has not been documented yet. In such cases, it's often helpful to check for any open issues on the Dagster GitHub repository or to open a new issue providing details about the problem you're encountering. This way, the maintainers can investigate and provide a fix or guidance on how to handle the situation.