Hello, I'm trying to run the <pyspark EMR example>...
# dagster-plus
Hello, I'm trying to run the pyspark EMR example, and I've gotten it to successfully submit to EMR when running locally through
dagster dev
. But if I run the same code from Dagster Cloud Serverless, I get the following error. It does not manage to add a step to the EMR cluster. I'm using the same IAM user locally and on Dagster Cloud.
dagster bot responded by community 1
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Is this failing on the Dagster side of things (not getting to the point where it fails on EMR)? I would recommend trying the LazyPySparkResource. I've ran into similar issues and have had a lot better luck that that resource when using step launchers
it appears to work with LazyPySparkResource. thanks!
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