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# ask-ai
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in the
file is typically used to configure arguments for the Dagster API gRPC server when deploying Dagster on Kubernetes using Helm charts. This configuration is not directly related to dbt projects; rather, it's part of the infrastructure setup for Dagster. To work with dbt projects within Dagster, you would typically use the
library, which provides integrations for running dbt commands and loading assets from dbt projects. The configuration for dbt projects would be done within your Dagster code, specifically within your resources and assets definitions, rather than in the
file for the Helm chart. However, if you need to pass specific environment variables or arguments to the Dagster API gRPC server that are required for your dbt project to run correctly in a Kubernetes environment, you would add those arguments to the
section of the
file. For example, if you need to set an environment variable for the dbt profile or project directory, you might add it there. The documentation does not provide a direct example or guidance on configuring
specifically for dbt projects. If you have a particular configuration requirement for dbt that needs to be reflected at the gRPC server level, you would need to determine what those arguments or environment variables are and then add them accordingly. For more detailed guidance on how to configure your dbt projects within Dagster, you should refer to the
integration documentation and examples provided by Dagster. If you encounter specific issues or need further assistance with configuring dbt within Dagster, please provide more context or error messages, and I can help guide you through the debugging process or provide more targeted advice.