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# ask-ai
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Yes, you can create a YAML file to list the required CSV files and then retrieve those file paths in your Python files. YAML is often used for configuration files due to its human-readable structure. Here's a step-by-step approach based on the documentation: 1. Create a YAML file (e.g.,
) and list the paths to your CSV files:
Copy code
     - path/to/your/first_file.csv
     - path/to/your/second_file.csv
     - path/to/your/third_file.csv
2. In your Python file, you can use the
library to load this configuration and retrieve the file paths. Here's an example of how you might do this:
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   import yaml

   # Load the YAML configuration file
   with open('files_config.yaml', 'r') as config_file:
       config = yaml.safe_load(config_file)

   # Retrieve the list of CSV file paths
   csv_file_paths = config['csv_files']

   # Now you can use the file paths as needed
   for file_path in csv_file_paths:
       # Perform operations with the CSV file
This approach allows you to manage the list of CSV files centrally within the YAML file, which can be particularly useful if the list changes frequently or if you want to share the same list across multiple Python scripts. Please note that you will need to have the
package installed to use the
module in Python. You can install it using
pip install pyyaml
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