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# ask-ai
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To run a module and use a YAML file for configuration in Dagster, you can use the
CLI tool. Based on the documentation, you can execute a job or pipeline by specifying the module name and the YAML file(s) containing your run configuration. Here's a general example of how you might run a job or pipeline from a module with a YAML configuration file:
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shell dagster job execute -m your_module_name -c your_config.yaml
In this command: -
-m your_module_name
specifies the Python module where your job or pipeline is defined. -
-c your_config.yaml
specifies the path to your YAML configuration file that contains the run configuration for your job or pipeline. Make sure that your current working directory in the terminal is the root of your project or the place where your Python module and YAML file are located. If your module is installed as a package, ensure that it is accessible in your Python environment. If you have a
file configured with Dagster settings, you can also run the
dagster dev
command in the same directory as the
file to load definitions without supplying command-line arguments. The
file should contain a
section with a
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toml [tool.dagster] module_name = "your_module_name"
Then, you can simply run:
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shell dagster dev
This will use the module name specified in the
file to load the definitions and execute your job or pipeline. Remember to replace
with the actual names of your module and configuration file. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please refer to the documentation or provide more specific details about your setup for more targeted help.