<@U0667DNC02Y> can I separate my assets into sub “...
# ask-ai
@Scout can I separate my assets into sub “groups” to visually differentiate them on the dagster UI, while keeping them on the same graph ? When I create separate groups, they don’t appear on the same graph. Is it because they aren’t depending on each other ?
In Dagster, you can organize your assets into groups to help manage and visualize them in the UI. Each asset can be assigned to a single group, and by default, if not assigned, they will be placed in a group named "default". Grouping assets can simplify tracking them in the UI, especially when dealing with a large number of assets. To assign assets to groups, you can specify a
on an individual asset or use the
argument when calling functions like
. This is the recommended approach for grouping assets that are defined in a module. However, if any of the assets in the module already has a
explicitly set on it, attempting to assign a different group name at load time will result in an error. In the UI, asset groups show up in the left navigation pane in Dagit, and you can click on one to see the graph of all assets in the group. It's important to note that the assets within a group will appear together in the UI, but if you have separate groups, they will appear in separate sections. If assets are not appearing on the same graph, it could be due to them not having dependencies on each other. In Dagster, the asset graph visualizes dependencies between assets, so if assets do not have explicit dependencies, they may not be connected in the graph visualization. The documentation also mentions that with Dagster 1.6.0, the asset lineage graph UI has been improved to make it easier to visualize and navigate large graphs. You can expand and collapse asset groups in the graph, and a new left-hand sidebar provides a list of assets, organized by asset group and code location. However, the concept of subgroups within asset groups is not directly supported in the current version of Dagster. There has been community interest in the ability to define sub-categories or subgroups within asset groups, as seen in GitHub issues, but this feature has not been implemented as of the last update from the documentation. In summary, you can group assets to differentiate them visually in the UI, but they will appear on the same graph only if they have dependencies on each other. Subgroups or nested groups are not currently a feature in Dagster, so all assets within a group will be visualized together, and separate groups will be visualized separately.