is there a way to share assets between two repos?
# ask-ai
is there a way to share assets between two repos?
Yes, there is a way to share assets between two repositories in Dagster. According to the documentation, you can manage multiple projects by placing each project in a separate directory within a single repository or by using multiple repositories for stronger isolation. When using multiple repositories, code sharing between projects requires additional coordination to publish and reuse packages between projects. To facilitate this, you can define dependencies between assets across repositories. For example, if you have an asset in one repository that depends on an asset from another repository, you would need to ensure that the downstream asset is aware of the upstream asset's existence, possibly by referencing it in your code or configuration. However, the documentation does not provide a detailed step-by-step guide on how to implement asset sharing between multiple repositories. It is implied that this would involve coordination at the code level and possibly through your CI/CD pipeline to ensure that assets are available where needed. For deployment configuration, whether you use a single repository or multiple, you can use a
file to define the code locations to deploy. For each repository, you would follow the steps appropriate to your CI/CD provider and include only the code locations that are relevant to the repository in your CI/CD workflow. If you need to manage assets across multiple repositories, you might also consider using Dagster Cloud Pro, which supports multiple deployments for stronger isolation between projects and teams. This would allow you to manage user access control at the code location and deployment level, although it would mean you don't have a single pane of glass to view all assets, as you would need to switch between multiple deployments in the UI. For more specific guidance on sharing assets between repositories, you may need to consider your organization's particular setup and requirements, and possibly consult further documentation or community discussions for examples of how others have implemented such a setup.