How can I create a SnowflakeResource that targets ...
# ask-ai
How can I create a SnowflakeResource that targets a different database depending on my environment?
To create a
that targets a different database depending on your environment, you can use environment variables to configure the resource differently for each environment. Here's a step-by-step guide based on the documentation: 1. Define your Snowflake configurations for each environment using environment variables. You can set these variables in your environment or read them from a secrets manager. 2. Create a
configuration that uses these environment variables. For example, you can define a dictionary that maps environment names to their respective configurations:
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python resources = {     "local": {         "snowflake_io_manager": SnowflakePandasIOManager(             account="",             user=EnvVar("DEV_SNOWFLAKE_USER"),             password=EnvVar("DEV_SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD"),             database="LOCAL",             schema=EnvVar("DEV_SNOWFLAKE_SCHEMA"),         ),     },     "production": {         "snowflake_io_manager": SnowflakePandasIOManager(             account="",             user="<|>",             password=EnvVar("SYSTEM_SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD"),             database="PRODUCTION",             schema="HACKER_NEWS",         ),     }, }
3. Determine the current executing environment by reading an environment variable. For example, you can define a variable
that defaults to
but can be overridden by setting an environment variable:
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python deployment_name = os.getenv("DAGSTER_DEPLOYMENT", "local")
4. Use the
to select the appropriate resource configuration for your environment:
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python defs = Definitions(     assets=[items, comments, stories],     resources=resources[deployment_name] )
5. When you define your assets or jobs, make sure to use the
dictionary to provide the correct
based on the environment. By following these steps, you can configure your
to target different databases depending on the environment in which your Dagster code is running. This approach allows you to maintain separate configurations for development, staging, and production environments, ensuring that your data operations target the correct Snowflake database for each case.
@TeJaun RiChard