how can I use a sensor to trigger a job with multi...
# ask-ai
how can I use a sensor to trigger a job with multiple ops in it?
To use a sensor to trigger a job that contains multiple ops (now referred to as assets in the asset-based APIs), you would define a sensor that monitors for certain conditions or events, and when those conditions are met, the sensor will create a
to trigger the job. Here's a step-by-step guide based on the documentation: 1. Define the Job: First, you need to define a job that includes the assets you want to run. A job is a collection of assets that you want to execute together. 2. Create a Sensor: Define a sensor using the
decorator. The sensor function will periodically check for certain conditions and decide whether to trigger a job run. 3. Return a RunRequest: Inside the sensor function, you will check for the conditions you're interested in (like a new file in a directory, a certain time of day, etc.). If the conditions are met, you will return a
object that includes the name of the job to run and any necessary run configuration. Here is an example of how you might define a sensor to trigger a job:
Copy code
python from dagster import sensor, RunRequest, DefaultSensorStatus  @sensor(job=my_job, minimum_interval_seconds=30) def my_sensor(context):     # Your logic to check conditions goes here     if my_condition_is_met():         return RunRequest(             run_key="unique_run_key_for_this_trigger",  # Unique identifier for this run request             run_config={"ops": {"my_op": {"config": "value"}}},  # Optional: Configuration for the job         )     # If conditions are not met, return nothing to avoid triggering a run
In this example,
is the job you've defined elsewhere that contains the assets you want to execute. The
function will be evaluated every 30 seconds (as specified by
), and when
, it will trigger a run of
with the specified run configuration. Remember to replace
with your actual condition-checking logic and provide the appropriate run configuration for your job. Please note that the code example provided is a general template and should be adapted to fit your specific use case. For more detailed information and examples, you should refer to the [Sensors documentation](