<@U0667DNC02Y> how can prevent auto-materializatio...
# ask-ai
@Scout how can prevent auto-materialization of an asset dependency when the parent was materialized via an Asset sensor
To prevent the auto-materialization of an asset when its parent was materialized via an asset sensor, you can use the
with specific rules that control when an asset should be materialized based on the materialization of its parent assets. The documentation provides an example of using
which allows you to skip the auto-materialization of an asset if not all of its parent assets have been updated:
Copy code
python from dagster import asset, AutoMaterializePolicy, AutoMaterializeRule  @asset def parent_asset():     ...  @asset(     auto_materialize_policy=AutoMaterializePolicy.eager().with_rules(         AutoMaterializeRule.skip_on_not_all_parents_updated()     ) ) def child_asset(parent_asset):     ...
In this example, the
will only auto-materialize if all of its parents (in this case, just
) have been updated. If
was materialized by an asset sensor and you don't want
to auto-materialize as a result, this rule would prevent it from doing so unless all conditions are met. However, if you have a more complex scenario where you want to ignore updates from specific parent assets, the documentation mentions that there isn't a way to do this explicitly as of the last update. This kind of granular control over auto-materialization based on specific parent updates is something that has been on the radar for development, but it may not be available yet. If the existing
rules do not fit your use case, you may need to implement custom logic within your asset sensor to control the materialization behavior or consider alternative approaches to managing dependencies and materializations in your asset graph.