How to change the value of a resource in a sensor ...
# ask-ai
How to change the value of a resource in a sensor definition?
To change the value of a resource in a sensor definition, you can use the
function to manually build and configure the resource within the sensor evaluation function. Here's a step-by-step guide based on the documentation: 1. Define your resource with the desired configuration options. This resource will be used to initialize the sensor context with the specific configuration you want. 2. In your sensor definition, use the
function within a context manager to create an instance of the resource with the desired configuration. 3. Access the configured resource from the context provided by the
function and use it as needed within your sensor evaluation logic. Here's an example from the documentation that illustrates how to manually build a resource within a sensor:
Copy code
python from dagster import sensor, SensorEvaluationContext, build_resources  # Define your resource here my_resource = ...  @sensor(jobs=[my_job]) def my_sensor(_):     # Initialize the resources using build_resources     with build_resources(resources={"my_resource_key": my_resource}) as resources:         # Access the configured resource         my_configured_resource = resources.my_resource_key         # Use the resource in your sensor logic         ...
In this example,
is the resource you want to configure, and
is the key that you will use to access the resource within the sensor evaluation function. The
function is used to create an instance of the resource with the specified configuration, which is then accessed and used within the sensor logic. Remember that using
in this way is a manual approach to resource configuration within a sensor, and it's important to ensure that the resource is properly configured to meet the needs of your sensor logic.