<@U0667DNC02Y>: what does it means: c:\users\\pych...
# ask-ai
@Scout: what does it means: c:\users\\pycharmprojects\dagster_learn\venv\scripts\python.exe -m dagster api grpc --lazy-load-user-code --port
The command you're referring to is a way to start a Dagster gRPC server with specific options. Let's break down the command: - `c:\users\pycharmprojects\dagster_learn\venv\scripts\python.exe`: This specifies the Python executable to use. In this case, it's the Python executable inside a virtual environment located at
. - `-m dagster`: This tells Python to run the
module as a script. The
flag is used with Python to run modules as scripts directly. - `api grpc`: These are arguments passed to the
module, which tell it to run its gRPC API server. - `--lazy-load-user-code`: This is an option that tells the gRPC server to lazy-load user code. Lazy loading means that the server will not load the user code immediately upon starting. Instead, it will load the code when it is first needed. This can be useful to reduce the startup time of the server, especially if there is a lot of user code that might not be needed right away. - `--port`: This option is used to specify the port number on which the gRPC server should listen. However, in the command you've provided, the actual port number is missing. Typically, you would see something like
--port 4000
, which would tell the server to listen on port 4000. So, the command is used to start a Dagster gRPC server with lazy-loading of user code, but it is incomplete because it does not specify the port number to use. You would need to add a port number after
for the command to work correctly.