<@U0667DNC02Y> I have `@resource` `my_db`. Is it p...
# ask-ai
@Scout I have
. Is it possible to query that database from a Sensor?
Yes, it is possible to query a database from a sensor in Dagster by using resources. To do this, you can define a resource that provides access to the database and then use that resource within your sensor. The documentation provides guidance on how to make resources available to sensors. You can use the
function to initialize resources outside of the context of execution, which allows you to reuse your resources inside a sensor. Here's an example from the documentation on how to use
within a sensor:
Copy code
python from dagster import sensor, build_resources  @sensor def my_sensor():     with build_resources({"my_db": my_db_resource}) as resources:         my_db = resources.my_db         # You can now use my_db to query the database         ...
In this example,
is a resource definition that provides access to the database. The
function is used to initialize the resource within the sensor's context, allowing you to perform database queries or other operations using the resource. Remember to define your resource correctly to handle the database connection and any required authentication. This approach allows you to encapsulate the logic for interacting with the database within a resource, which can then be used consistently across different parts of your Dagster code, including within sensors.