```python from dagster import CodeLocationSelector...
# ask-ai
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from dagster import CodeLocationSelector

I want to start a single job
The code snippet you've provided seems to be attempting to create a
, which is not a concept or class that we support in Dagster according to the documentation. In Dagster, a code location is a collection of Dagster definitions loadable and accessible by Dagster's tools, such as the CLI, UI, and Dagster Cloud. It comprises a reference to a Python module that has an instance of
in a top-level variable and a Python environment that can successfully load that module. If you want to start a single job, you would typically use the Dagster CLI or the UI to execute a job. For example, using the CLI, you can execute a job by specifying the job name and the module or file where it is defined. Here's how you might do that:
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bash dagster job execute -m your_module_name -j your_job_name
Or, if the job is defined in a Python file:
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bash dagster job execute -f your_file.py -j your_job_name
If you're looking to monitor jobs and potentially trigger other jobs based on their status, you might be interested in using sensors. Sensors in Dagster can monitor events and trigger jobs when certain conditions are met. However, the concept of a
does not align with how you would define or use sensors in Dagster. For more information on how to define and use sensors, you can refer to the Dagster documentation on sensors. If you need to work with multiple code locations, the documentation also provides guidance on how to load multiple code locations using the CLI or define them in your