I have a dbt asset that depends on another asset t...
# ask-ai
I have a dbt asset that depends on another asset that ingests data. How can I use auto materialisation to build the dbt asset every time the upstream assets changes?
To achieve auto-materialization of a dbt asset when an upstream asset changes, you can use an
. According to the documentation, Dagster provides eager
which allow materializing an asset whenever its parent assets are materialized. This feature is currently marked experimental, and some of the APIs may change in the future. Here's an example of how you might define such a policy:
Copy code
python from dagster import AutoMaterializePolicy, asset  @asset def upstream_asset():     # Logic for your upstream asset that ingests data     ...  @asset(auto_materialize_policy=AutoMaterializePolicy.eager(), deps=[upstream_asset]) def dbt_asset():     # Logic for your dbt asset     ...
In this example,
is set to auto-materialize eagerly whenever
is materialized. This means that any time
changes and is materialized,
will automatically be queued for materialization as well. Remember that this feature is experimental, so you should keep an eye on the documentation for any updates or changes to the API.