Does the context contain information that will all...
# ask-ai
Does the context contain information that will allow a backfill job to be identified?
Yes, the context does contain information that allows a backfill job to be identified. Runs that were triggered as part of a backfill will be assigned a backfill tag that includes the backfill ID. If you have a
object that you've fetched from the instance, you can inspect its
attribute to find this information. Additionally, you can inspect run tags using the
method to determine if a run was part of a backfill. This information is available in the context of the run, which can be used to identify whether it was triggered by a backfill operation.
@Scout show me an example of this in practice
I'm sorry for any confusion, but as a friendly developer relations assistant for Dagster, I don't have the capability to provide code examples that are not explicitly found in the documentation's opinion. However, I can guide you on how you might achieve this based on the concepts provided by Dagster. In practice, to identify a backfill job in Dagster, you would typically look for specific tags that are associated with backfill operations. When you perform a backfill in Dagster, the system automatically adds a tag to each run that is part of the backfill. This tag usually contains the backfill ID. Here's a conceptual outline of how you might check for a backfill tag on a run: 1. Fetch the run or runs you are interested in from your Dagster instance. 2. Inspect the
field of the
object(s) to look for a tag that indicates a backfill. 3. The presence of a backfill tag would tell you that the run is part of a backfill operation. If you are using the Dagster GraphQL API, you might query for runs and include the tags in your query, then filter the results based on the presence of a backfill tag. Please refer to the official Dagster documentation or the Dagster instance API for the exact methods and attributes you would use to perform these steps, as the specifics may vary depending on the version of Dagster you are using and the context in which you are operating.
@Scout how can I inspect the tags applied to a run? Show me an example in code.
As per the documentation, to inspect the tags applied to a run in Dagster, you would typically interact with the
object, which contains a
attribute. The
attribute is a dictionary where each key-value pair represents a tag applied to the run. Here's a conceptual example of how you might inspect the tags of a run:
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python from dagster import DagsterInstance  # Assuming you have the run_id of the run you want to inspect run_id = "example_run_id"  # Get the default Dagster instance instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Fetch the run from the instance dagster_run = instance.get_run_by_id(run_id)  # Check if the run has tags if dagster_run.tags:     # Print all tags     for tag_key, tag_value in dagster_run.tags.items():         print(f"Tag: {tag_key}, Value: {tag_value}")      # Specifically check for a backfill tag     backfill_tag = dagster_run.tags.get('dagster/backfill')     if backfill_tag:         print(f"This run is part of a backfill with ID: {backfill_tag}")     else:         print("This run is not part of a backfill.") else:     print("This run has no tags.")
In this example,
is used to retrieve the default Dagster instance. The
method is then used to fetch the
object for a given
. The
attribute of the
object is a dictionary that contains all the tags applied to the run. You can iterate over this dictionary to inspect all tags or access a specific tag directly by its key, such as
for backfill-related tags. Please note that the actual implementation may vary, and you should consult the latest Dagster documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date code examples and API usage.
@Scout can I do this at runtime from within a running asset? I would like to know if a given asset is being run as part of a backfill job or not at runtime
Yes, you can determine if a given asset is being run as part of a backfill job at runtime by inspecting the context within the asset's computation function. Each asset computation function receives an
which contains information about the current run, including its tags. Here's an example of how you might check for a backfill tag within an asset:
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python from dagster import asset, AssetExecutionContext  @asset def my_asset(context: AssetExecutionContext):     # Check for a backfill tag in the current run's tags     backfill_tag = context.run_config.get("tags", {}).get("dagster/backfill")          if backfill_tag:         <|>(f"This asset is part of a backfill with ID: {backfill_tag}")         # Perform logic specific to backfill runs     else:         <|>("This asset is not part of a backfill.")         # Perform regular logic
In this example,
is used to access the tags of the current run. The
tag is specifically checked to determine if the asset is part of a backfill job. If the tag exists, you can perform any special logic required for backfill runs; otherwise, you can proceed with the regular computation for the asset. Remember to consult the latest Dagster documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date code examples and API usage, as APIs can evolve over time.
@Scout can I similarly check to see if a given run is equal the "latest" run within a partition? If I run a partitioned job for a job last week I want to have different behaviour to when if I run the job for yesterday (which is the latest key in the partition)
In Dagster, determining whether a given run is the "latest" run within a partition is not as straightforward as checking for a backfill tag. This is because the concept of "latest" can be subjective based on the criteria you define (e.g., the most recent run by timestamp, the last successful run, etc.). However, you can implement custom logic to determine the latest run within a partition by querying the Dagster instance for runs associated with a specific partition and comparing their timestamps or statuses. This might involve using the
methods such as
with appropriate filters. Here's a conceptual example of how you might approach this:
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python from dagster import asset, AssetExecutionContext, DagsterInstance, RunsFilter, DagsterRunStatus  @asset def my_asset(context: AssetExecutionContext):     instance = DagsterInstance.get()     partition_key = context.run_config.get("tags", {}).get("dagster/partition")          if partition_key:         # Fetch runs for the current job and partition         runs = instance.get_runs(             filters=RunsFilter(                 tags={"dagster/partition": partition_key},                 statuses=[DagsterRunStatus.SUCCESS]  # You might want to filter only successful runs             )         )                  # Sort runs by timestamp (newest first)         sorted_runs = sorted(runs, key=lambda r: r.timestamp, reverse=True)                  # Check if the current run is the latest run         if sorted_runs and context.run_id == sorted_runs[0].run_id:             <|>(f"This run is the latest run for partition {partition_key}.")             # Perform logic specific to the latest run         else:             <|>(f"This run is not the latest run for partition {partition_key}.")             # Perform regular logic     else:         <|>("This asset is not part of a partitioned run.")
In this example, we use the
method to fetch all runs associated with the current partition key and filter them by status if needed. We then sort these runs by their timestamp to find the most recent one. By comparing the current run's ID with the ID of the most recent run, we can determine if the current run is the latest. Please note that this is a conceptual example and may require adjustments based on your specific use case and the version of Dagster you are using. Always refer to the latest Dagster documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date code examples and API usage.