how do I get the list of asset keys produced by a ...
# ask-ai
how do I get the list of asset keys produced by a multi_asset?
To get the list of asset keys produced by a
, you can inspect the
parameter of the
decorator. The
parameter is a dictionary that maps output names to
objects, which represent the produced assets. Each
object can have an
associated with it, which uniquely identifies the asset. Here's an example from the documentation that illustrates how you might define a
with multiple outputs:
Copy code
python @multi_asset(     outs={         "output1": AssetOut(key=AssetKey(["group_name", "output1"])),         "output2": AssetOut(key=AssetKey(["group_name", "output2"])),     } ) def my_multi_asset(context):     # Your computation logic here     ...
In this example, the
produces two assets with keys
AssetKey(["group_name", "output1"])
AssetKey(["group_name", "output2"])
. To get a list of these asset keys, you would iterate over the values of the
dictionary and collect the keys:
Copy code
python asset_keys = [asset_out.key for asset_out in my_multi_asset.outs.values()]
This would give you a list of
objects representing the assets produced by the
. Keep in mind that this is a conceptual explanation; the exact way to access the
attribute will depend on the context in which you're working with the
@Scout is there a way to get it from the multi_asset object itself?
In Dagster, the
decorator is used to define a computation that produces multiple assets. However, the
object itself, as defined by the decorator, does not directly expose a method or property to retrieve the list of asset keys it produces. The asset keys are defined in the
parameter of the
decorator, which maps output names to
objects. If you want to programmatically access the asset keys produced by a
, you would typically do so by inspecting the
parameter of the decorator in the code where the
is defined. This is a static analysis approach and would require you to look at the source code or the metadata of the
definition. As of my knowledge cutoff date in April 2023, there is no built-in function or method provided by Dagster that allows you to dynamically retrieve the list of asset keys from the
object itself after it has been defined. If such functionality is required, it would likely involve introspection or reflection techniques specific to the Python programming language, or it would require a feature update from Dagster that provides this capability. For dynamic scenarios or when working with the Dagster system at runtime, you would typically interact with the asset catalog or asset graph within the Dagster instance to query and retrieve information about assets, including their keys. However, this would not be done through the
object directly but rather through Dagster's APIs for asset introspection. If you need to retrieve asset keys at runtime or from an instance of Dagster, you may want to explore Dagster's asset catalog or asset graph APIs, which can provide information about the assets that are part of your Dagster repository. These APIs allow you to query the system for assets and their metadata, which includes asset keys.