<@U0667DNC02Y> How to hide credentials from launch...
# ask-ai
@Scout How to hide credentials from launchpad without environmental variables
To hide credentials from the launchpad in Dagster without using environment variables, you can use the
class provided by Dagster. This class allows you to reference environment variables in your Dagster code, and when used, the actual values of these variables are not displayed in the UI, such as the Launchpad. Here's an example from the documentation on how to use
to configure a resource with credentials that are sourced from environment variables:
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python from dagster import EnvVar, Definitions, ConfigurableResource  class CredentialsResource(ConfigurableResource):     username: str     password: str  defs = Definitions(     assets=...,     resources={         "credentials": CredentialsResource(             username=EnvVar("MY_USERNAME"),             password=EnvVar("MY_PASSWORD"),         )     }, )
In this example,
are the names of the environment variables that store the actual username and password. By using
, you instruct Dagster to retrieve the values at runtime, and these values will not be displayed in the UI, such as the Launchpad. This approach has several benefits: - Improved observability: The UI will display information about configuration values sourced from environment variables. - Secret values are hidden in the UI: Secret values are hidden in the Launchpad, Resources page, and other places where configuration is displayed. - Simplified testing: Because you can provide string values directly to configuration rather than environment variables, testing may be easier. For more information on using environment variables with Dagster and hiding sensitive information in the UI, you can refer to the [Environment variables guide](https://docs.dagster.io/guides/dagster/using-environment-variables-and-secrets) in the documentation.
And without EnvVar?
@Scout And without envvar?
If you need to hide credentials from the launchpad in Dagster without using environment variables or the
class, you can consider the following alternatives: 1. Using a
File for Local Development:
Dagster supports loading environment variables from a
file for local development. While this file contains environment variables, it is not checked into source control and is used locally. This allows you to keep sensitive information out of your codebase. However, the variables defined in the
file would still be environment variables, just not explicitly declared in your system's environment. 2. Secrets Managers: For cloud or production environments, you can use a secrets manager to store sensitive information. Dagster integrates with various secrets management systems, such as AWS Secrets Manager, GCP Secret Manager, or HashiCorp Vault. You can retrieve secrets at runtime within your resources or ops without exposing them in your code or UI. 3. Dynamically Loading Secrets: You can write custom code to dynamically load secrets from a secure location at runtime. This could be a secure file on disk, a database, or a custom secrets service. You would access these secrets programmatically within your resources or ops without using environment variables. 4. Using Configuration Files: You can use configuration files that are not checked into source control to store sensitive information. These files can be read at runtime to load the necessary credentials. Ensure that these files are properly secured and are only accessible by the necessary processes or users. 5. Runtime Configuration: If you have a mechanism to inject configuration at runtime, such as through a deployment pipeline or orchestration system, you can pass sensitive information directly to Dagster at execution time without storing it in the codebase. It's important to note that while these methods can help hide credentials from the launchpad and source control, you should always follow best practices for managing sensitive information, including using secure storage, access controls, and audit logging. For specific implementations and best practices regarding sensitive information and secrets management in Dagster, you should refer to the official Dagster documentation or seek guidance from the Dagster community or support channels.
@Scout How to integrate Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) into dagster?
Integrating the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) into Dagster would typically involve creating a custom resource or op that uses MSAL to authenticate with Microsoft services and obtain tokens. MSAL is a Python library that allows developers to authenticate users and services and acquire tokens for API calls to Microsoft resources. Here's a high-level approach to integrating MSAL with Dagster: 1. Install MSAL: First, you need to install the MSAL Python package in your Dagster environment.
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   pip install msal
2. Create a Custom Resource: Define a custom resource in Dagster that encapsulates the MSAL authentication logic. This resource will handle acquiring and refreshing tokens as needed.
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   from dagster import resource, Field
   import msal

       "client_id": Field(str, description="The Azure AD client ID"),
       "authority": Field(str, description="The authority URL for Azure AD"),
       "client_secret": Field(str, is_required=False, description="The client secret for confidential clients"),
       "tenant_id": Field(str, description="The Azure AD tenant ID"),
   def msal_auth_resource(context):
       client_id = context.resource_config["client_id"]
       authority = context.resource_config["authority"]
       client_secret = context.resource_config["client_secret"]
       tenant_id = context.resource_config["tenant_id"]

       # Create a confidential client application
       app = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(

       # The resource can now use 'app' to acquire tokens and make authenticated calls
       return app
3. Use the Resource in Your Pipeline: Utilize the custom MSAL resource in your pipeline to authenticate and make API calls to Microsoft services.
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   from dagster import op

   def my_op(context):
       msal_app = context.resources.msal_auth
       # Acquire a token, make API calls, etc.
       # Example: token_response = msal_app.acquire_token_for_client(scopes=["<https://graph.microsoft.com/.default>"])
       # Use the token to make API calls
4. Configure the Resource: When you run your pipeline, you'll need to provide the necessary configuration for the MSAL resource, such as the client ID, authority, client secret, and tenant ID.
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         client_id: "your-client-id"
         authority: "<https://login.microsoftonline.com/{0}>"
         client_secret: "your-client-secret"
         tenant_id: "your-tenant-id"
5. Handle Token Caching and Renewal: MSAL supports token cac
hing and renewal. You may want to implement caching logic within your resource to avoid unnecessary token requests. MSAL provides mechanisms for this, and you can configure the
with a token cache. Please note that the above code is a simplified example to illustrate the concept. In a production environment, you should handle secrets such as the client secret securely, potentially using Dagster's secret management tools or environment variables. For detailed guidance on using MSAL and implementing token caching and renewal, refer to the [MSAL Python documentation](https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-python). Always ensure that you are following security best practices when handling authentication and managing sensitive information.