I am loading tables from airbyte and I have a tabl...
# ask-ai
I am loading tables from airbyte and I have a table that is used by two dbt models. I would like to be abe to load this table only once but to do so, I had to create an airbyte connextion just for this table and now, I am getting an error since this airbyte connection is created as an asset twice. How should I do ?
When integrating Airbyte with Dagster and using dbt models that depend on the same table, it's important to ensure that each asset in Dagster has a unique asset key. The documentation indicates that a single computation in Dagster can produce multiple data assets at once, but each data asset needs to be associated with a unique asset key. This is a framework constraint to avoid conflicts and ensure the correct lineage and dependencies between assets. If you are encountering an error because an Airbyte connection is being created as an asset twice, it suggests that there might be a duplication issue with the asset keys being generated for the table in question. To resolve this, you should use a
decorator to produce your data assets, ensuring that each data asset has a unique key associated with it. This approach allows you to define multiple assets that can be produced from a single computation or process, such as an Airbyte sync, while maintaining unique identifiers for each asset. For dbt models that reference the same underlying table, you can configure the dbt
file to associate each dbt source with a unique Dagster asset key. This way, even though the dbt models are using the same physical table, they will be treated as separate assets within the Dagster framework. Here's a general approach based on the documentation: 1. Use the
decorator to define multiple assets from a single Airbyte connection. 2. Ensure that each asset has a unique asset key. 3. Configure your dbt
to reference these unique asset keys accordingly. For more detailed guidance on using
with dbt sources and configuring dbt asset keys, you can refer to the dbt integration documentation provided by Dagster. If you need further assistance with the specific error you're encountering or with implementing the
decorator, please provide additional details about the error message and your current setup, and we can offer more targeted advice.