Is it possible to set up an alert for if a code se...
# ask-ai
Is it possible to set up an alert for if a code server load fails in dagster?
Yes, it is possible to set up alerts in Dagster for various events, including failures. While the documentation does not provide a specific example for setting up an alert for a code server load failure, it does describe how to create sensors that can monitor and send notifications for job failures. For instance, you can use the
function from the
library to send alerts to a Slack channel when a job run fails. Here's a simplified example from the documentation:
Copy code
python from dagster_slack import make_slack_on_run_failure_sensor  slack_on_run_failure = make_slack_on_run_failure_sensor(     channel="#my_channel",     slack_token=os.getenv("MY_SLACK_TOKEN"), )
This sensor can be added to your repository definition to monitor job failures. However, for monitoring the code server load specifically, you would need to implement custom logic that detects when the code server load fails and then triggers an alert. If you're encountering issues where the code server becomes unreachable, you might want to look into implementing health checks or monitoring solutions that can detect when the code server is down and send notifications accordingly. This could involve using external monitoring tools or creating custom sensors that check the health of your code server and integrate with your alerting infrastructure. For more advanced scenarios or specific use cases, you might need to consult the Dagster community or support channels for guidance on best practices and implementation details.
@Scout The sensor is inside the failed code server. Is it possible to test if a code server has failed externally of a sensor? For example, using the GraphQL API etc?
Yes, you can monitor the status of code locations externally using the Dagster GraphQL API. This approach allows you to query the status of your code locations without relying on sensors that may be affected by the code server's availability. As mentioned in a discussion from the documentation, you can query the webserver directly using GraphQL to get the underlying information about code locations in the same way the UI does. You can observe the GraphQL queries made by the UI in the network tab of your browser's developer tools or locate the relevant queries in the Dagster codebase. Here's a general approach to monitoring code location status using the GraphQL API: 1. Set up a monitoring script or service that periodically sends a GraphQL query to the Dagster webserver. 2. The query should request the status of the code locations you want to monitor. 3. Parse the response from the webserver to determine if any code locations have failed to load or are experiencing issues. 4. If a failure is detected, trigger an alert using your preferred notification system (e.g., Slack, email, PagerDuty). This external monitoring can be implemented using any programming language or tool that can send HTTP requests and handle JSON responses. You would need to handle authentication (if required) and schedule the monitoring checks at an appropriate frequency. Remember that the specific GraphQL query you'll need to use will depend on the schema and available queries in your version of Dagster. You can refer to the [Dagster GraphQL API documentation]( for more details on constructing and executing queries.