<@U0667DNC02Y> if I deploy Dagster OSS to a local ...
# ask-ai
@Scout if I deploy Dagster OSS to a local server using the Docker Compose quickstart, what is the best way to handle my user code? I'd like to store all user code and related projects (ex: dbt projects) in a GitHub repo, and automatically deploy to Dagster whenever a PR is completed. Are there any guides that give more information on how to do this?
When deploying Dagster Open Source (OSS) to a local server using Docker Compose, handling your user code and related projects, such as dbt projects, involves a few steps to ensure that your code is automatically deployed whenever a pull request (PR) is completed. The documentation provides some guidance on how to structure your projects and manage deployments, which can be adapted to your specific needs for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD). Here are the general steps you would follow, based on the documentation: 1. Structure Your Project: Ensure that your project is structured in a way that is compatible with Dagster. Typically, a Dagster project might include a directory for your assets (e.g.,
) and other necessary configuration files like
, etc. 2. Version Control: Store your user code and related projects in a GitHub repository. This allows you to track changes, collaborate with others, and integrate with CI/CD tools. 3. CI/CD Integration: Set up a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions or another CI/CD tool. This pipeline will handle the automated testing and deployment of your code upon PR completion. The documentation doesn't provide a specific guide for setting up CI/CD with GitHub Actions, but you can use general CI/CD principles and adapt them for Dagster. 4. Automated Deployment: Configure your CI/CD pipeline to automatically deploy your code to the Dagster instance when a PR is merged. This typically involves building a Docker image with your latest code and restarting the Dagster services using Docker Compose. 5. Docker Compose: Use Docker Compose to define and run your Dagster services. Your
file should specify the services needed for your Dagster instance, including the Dagster daemon, Dagit UI, and any other dependencies. 6. Monitoring Changes: Optionally, you can set up a mechanism to monitor changes in your GitHub repository and trigger the CI/CD pipeline when a PR is merged. This can be done using webhooks or polling. While the documentation doesn't provide a step-by-step guide specifically for deploying Dagster OSS with Docker Compose in conjunction with a GitHub repository, you can use the general principles outlined above to set up your deployment process. For more detailed instructions on CI/CD best practices, you may need to refer to resources specific to the CI/CD tools you choose to use, as well as Docker Compose documentation for service orchestration.