Hello <!channel>! I hope you’re having a great Tue...
# announcements
Hello <!channel>! I hope you’re having a great Tuesday. I have some exciting news for the entire community. On Tuesday August 9th 9 AM Pacific/4 PM UTC we are hosting Dagster Day and making two huge announcements that mark a new era for the product: • Dagster 1.0: The culmination of years of work, Dagster is graduating to 1.0. Dagster’s core is now formally stable and production deployments can be built using it and maintained with confidence. • Dagster Cloud General Availability: Dagster Cloud has been in Early Access since December. This has gone extremely well, and we have lots of happy users ranging from small startups to Fortune 500 companies, running on a stable, rock-solid platform. Starting August 9th anyone can sign up and start using Dagster Cloud. You can start with a free trial, and then just swipe your credit card and go. Cloud GA will not just open current capabilities to self-serve, but also include some new revolutionary capabilities that we are excited to share with the world. Sign up for Dagster Day here. It’s an hour-long event where you can learn more about the launch, ask us questions, and meet other members of the community. In that same form you can also sign up for the waitlist! If you do so before August 9th you will get a trial with double the amount of free usage than a standard account. For news on Dagster Cloud, I encourage you to join the #dagster-cloud channel where we will preview features and announce updates to the platform. There is some amazing stuff coming down the pipeline. Thanks to the entire community and our early access customers for placing your trust in us and helping us build this product. We’re excited to enter this new era and we couldn’t have done it without you.
blob cheer 59
🎉 51
🎉 45
blob cowboy 17
partywizard 21
👌 24
❤️ 72
😂 20
daggy cowboy 23
🎉 23
🚶 66
🎉 40
woo 26
hat tip 18
party pikachu 16
1️⃣ 10
D 6
dagster spin 51
🎉 22
clapping all 16
celebrate 16
🪐 13
🤘 8
big dag eyes 10
🌈 6
🙌 4
is Dagster Day open to all? I am unable to access the form in the link
sorry about that, just fixed the link 🙂
🌈 1
woot! congrats on the 1.0!
Congratulations!!!! Very well deserved
amazing news - congrats team!!! 🚶
Congrats, 🤞 and good luck
Your sign up form asks for email twice, despite already having it if Google is signed in.
Also the "No thanks I hate free things" is super cringe if I'm being honest.
Tough crowd. blob sweats
😆 9
Sorry man just giving some frank feedback, I hope you can accept it in the same spirit.
❤️ 2
It feels manipulative and spammy
I was excited to sign up but declined due to the double email thing and the check box.
Private/Incognito windows to the rescue
Sure, but shouldn't be necessary
And leaves me wondering where my email is going and how much spam I will get as a result of giving it in that form.
One thing to note - I hope, self deployment ( kubernetes ) and other non-cloud adopters will keep getting love after Dagster Cloud GA
🙏 5
dagsir 5
nod zuck 6
Hey @Binoy Shah great question. We will be writing more about how we are approaching our open core strategy in the coming weeks. We are committed to supporting OSS Dagster for production workloads.
@Caleb Fornari just a little levity in the form! We will not be spamming these emails. We do need a way to contact folks re: the trial!
@schrockn it's your form and you can of course do as you please. Just letting you know that it was off-putting enough for me that I did not sign up when I otherwise would have. I'm a huge Dagster fan, heavy user and have even contributed some small PRs.
Maybe I am not in the target demographic for this which is fine too.
@schrockn Thanks for the update. Keeping my fingers crossed for OSS Dagster and its progress
🎉 4
Congrats for the launch 💪 It looks like I joined the community at the right moment 😅 Can we get the documentation or release note of the v1 vs the current latest v0.15.5?
D 2
@Marjori Pomarole @Davi Sousa @Vinicius Aguiar @Antonio Bertino 🙂
🙂 6