:chart_with_upwards_trend: :rocket::clinking_glass...
# announcements
📈 🚀🥂🙏🏻: Over 2,000 members of the Dagster Slack community! Last week we reached a new milestone: we have over 2,000 members in our community! I want to thank everyone for participating in our community and maintaining its positive and supportive atmosphere. I also want to thank the core Dagster team and the rest of the community for doing such an amazing job fielding all the questions in #dagster-support, #dagster-kubernetes, and other channels. We consistently get feedback that this is one of the most responsive and helpful Slack communities. This takes an incredible amount of work and we’re all in your debt. But we’re just getting started and there’s so much more to do. We are actively hiring for a Developer Relations Lead to further invest and grow the community. We consider this a senior role. You will be a critical leader in the project, but you have the ability to shape product roadmap and company trajectory. If you are interested in this position please apply or DM me directly! I might be a bit biased, but it’s a joy to work here and the team is incredibly talented. It’s a fantastic opportunity to have a lot of impact.
📈 8
dagstore 1
partywizard 2
dagstar 2
thankyou 4
👍 2
big dag eyes 3
🔥 4
❤️ 2
blob cheer 27