I keep getting the following error when navigating...
# announcements
I keep getting the following error when navigating to the partition tab of one of my pipelines:
Copy code
Operation name: PartitionSetLoaderQuery

Message: Unknown fragment "PartitionGraphFragment".


Locations: [{"line":69,"column":6}]
I am able to run the backfill with no problems but my screen is full of GraphQL error notifications, anyone knows why does this happen?
Is your dagit possibly using a different version than your dagster or dagster-graphql?
In my poetry.lock file everything is set to 0.11.3 and I just redeployed, still same issue. Is there any way I can double check this via Kubernetes?
Redeployed and re installed dependencies ofc
This issue is fixed in master, and will be in this Thursday’s release. (https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/commit/ebdb6e371b961c10da334921cc3858158978ace1)
Oh thanks a lot 🙂
👍 1