Hey! Is there any example of using yaml for sensor...
# announcements
Hey! Is there any example of using yaml for sensors? Like how PipelineDefinition can be used to create pipelines from yaml. Is there any example to create sensors from yaml using
The thing that would make this tricky is that a SensorDefinition needs to have an execution function, unlike a PipelineDefinition which just needs to express a DAG. So it's hard to get away from writing at least some actual code. (Similar to how you generally wouldn't create a solid from just YAML). If you had a set of pre-existing sensor execution functions that you wanted to parameterize or configure dynamically into SensorDefinitions using YAML, that would be very doable though, using similar techniques to the PipelineDefinition case.
👍 1
@daniel thanks thats exactly what I am trying to do. I have a set of pre-existing functions which I would parameterize and connect to pipelines.
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