Maybe I missed something in the docs... is there a...
# announcements
Maybe I missed something in the docs... is there a recommended way in dealing with secrets on a dev laptop? I'd probably use StringSource configuration to get secrets on Kubernetes, but how can I fill the StringSource on a local machine without commiting anything to git? .env file with dotenv might be a way to do that, but that doesn't seem to be the standard scenario in dagster as I can't find any references to it.
how can I fill the StringSource on a local machine without commiting anything to git?
one idea is to use something like AWS secrets manager and have a script similar to
that loads the necessary secrets in to the environment
Thanks for the suggestion. Actually I'd be even fine if I could just use dotenv for local testing, I just wasn't sure if this is recommenden since I didn't see it in any example, so I'm not 100% sure if this is even supported.
ya anything that gets the environment vars set should work