one last question for today, I promise. - Now Dagi...
# announcements
one last question for today, I promise. - Now Dagit is running perfectly with your helm chart. but when I try to run a pipeline by hand in Dagit's Playground I got an error complaining about PGSQL. should I drop the database and recrate or DB housekeeping is always done by Dagit service? I mean, if something is wrong in the database. I put some stuff into the thread
I got this error, when I try to start the pipeline from Dagit's playground
what should I check? drop/purge DB? and let Dagit repopulate it with its schema ?
in local, with local Dagit this is running seamlessly
These are the modules I use in dagit's python env
This looks less like a schema issue and more of a connection issue. In your deployed dagit, does it have access to the PG credentials it needs to connect? This would need to be configured in your
I would say yes, but i have to test this if i want to say with 100% , so I need to install some client into that container i will report back this to you here, if I checked out....thanks for the advice @prha
@prha you are right, thanks, I have to revisit the helm chart, because the credentials are missing from the dagster's config 😉 OMG... tomorrow I am going to fix this, my custom pg_resource got the credential only 😉 thanks again
oh good! glad you were able to track that down!
@prha pg password was a very good advice, because it was missing, but now it is configured, and I also test the connection, still no luck
this is the dagster config, totally default
here is the connection test from dagit, the 1st line needs because psql has this stupid pwPassByEnv feature. So I used the preconfigured env variables for dagit - and it works 😉 ... for me it seems it is working...any guess? 😉 what is happening? what should i check?
I think i have a guess what is happening, this execution comes from the worker...not dagit. I am going to check that config too
celery worker got the right credentials too
I think I still dont understand the execution modell