Hi I am working through the solid basics tutorial....
# announcements
Hi I am working through the solid basics tutorial. I am trying to run the multiple_outputs code seen here https://docs.dagster.io/tutorial/basics_solids. When I try to run multiple_outputs.py I get the error name 'Field' is not defined. Any ideas why this would be happening?
This is the code I am trying to run
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import csv
import os

from dagster import execute_pipeline, pipeline, solid

def read_csv(context, csv_path):
    csv_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), csv_path)
    with open(csv_path, "r") as fd:
        lines = [row for row in csv.DictReader(fd)]

    <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>("Read {n_lines} lines".format(n_lines=len(lines)))
    return lines

        "process_hot": Field(Bool, is_required=False, default_value=True),
        "process_cold": Field(Bool, is_required=False, default_value=True),
        OutputDefinition(name="hot_cereals", is_required=False),
        OutputDefinition(name="cold_cereals", is_required=False),
def split_cereals(context, cereals):
    if context.solid_config["process_hot"]:
        hot_cereals = [cereal for cereal in cereals if cereal["type"] == "H"]
        yield Output(hot_cereals, "hot_cereals")
    if context.solid_config["process_cold"]:
        cold_cereals = [cereal for cereal in cereals if cereal["type"] == "C"]
        yield Output(cold_cereals, "cold_cereals")

def sort_hot_cereals_by_calories(context, cereals):
    sorted_cereals = sorted(cereals, key=lambda cereal: cereal["calories"])
        "Least caloric hot cereal: {least_caloric}".format(

def sort_cold_cereals_by_calories(context, cereals):
    sorted_cereals = sorted(cereals, key=lambda cereal: cereal["calories"])
        "Least caloric cold cereal: {least_caloric}".format(

def multiple_outputs_pipeline():
    hot_cereals, cold_cereals = split_cereals(read_csv())

run_config = {
    "solids": {
        "read_csv": {"inputs": {"csv_path": {"value": "cereal.csv"}}},
        "split_cereals": {"config": {"process_hot": True, "process_cold": True}}

result = execute_pipeline(multiple_outputs_pipeline, run_config=run_config)
Hey @Nate Loker, I think you’re just missing the import:
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from dagster import execute_pipeline, pipeline, solid, Field
Ah ok, thank you @sashank! I tried importing field but missed the capital F.
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