Hi again and thanks a ton for Dagster :smile: I'm ...
# announcements
Hi again and thanks a ton for Dagster 😄 I'm wondering if there's an easy way to make dynamic pipelines (whose shape depends on some parameters) reconstructable, since
can only be applied to module-level functions with no arguments. Writing/reading a temp file works but I'd rather not if there's another way (and definitely looking forward to 0.9.0 if it addresses dynamic DAGs!)
Unfortunately there’s no straightforward way to do that (unless I am missing something @alex). But that would be interesting to do potentially as we could probably concoct a scheme to capture the arguments and serialize them, but that would be a substantial task. Can you give exact context now how your are parameterizing pipeline creation and why?
Re: the task you mentioned, I’m also in interested in hearing about your exact use case. We want to support some aspect of what I refer to as dynamic orchestration. However we also explictly don’t want to repurpose dagster as a map-reduce engine, which we feels should be handled by computational runtimes such as spark or dask.
Ah ok, thanks
That makes sense re: not wanting to reinvent map-reduce
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Basically the use case is dynamic parallelization, where solids are spawned to process some number of inputs which isn't known until runtime
the "processing" is some arbitrary Singularity-containerized workflow in an HPC environment where Dagster deploys to Dask, which deploys to some resource manager like PBS/SLURM
it could just be done in Dask, but would like to use Dagster if possible 🙂
Do you have any subset of dynamic orchestration in mind that Dagster may end up supporting, out of curiosity?
Fire and forget parallel runs would be the obvious thing. The “map” but not the “reduce” component that require fine-grained coordination
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that would be awesome. just the ability to "map" some arbitrary number of solids over a collection would cover our use case
Great to know