Hi all, question: I'm trying to typecheck a float_...
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Hi all, question: I'm trying to typecheck a float_column using a custom-made (via create_dagster_pandas_dataframe_type) dataframe in dagster_pandas. The problem is there are null values (nans) in some of the values. I'm getting a
Violated InRangeColumnConstraint (Column must have values between -inf and inf inclusive.)
for that column with the nans as offending values, is that normal?
Yeah so the float constraint errors out for null values unless you explicitly ask for it. When specifying your Dagster dataframe are you using the float column constructor? If so, you should see a nullable flag.
I'm seeing a non_nullable flag, upgraded to 0.7.6 and now I see a ignore_missing_vals flag. Set it to true, it worked.